August 30, 2022

Member Credits – Get Your Piece of the Pie

$2 Million back to our members!

PVREA News PVREA Products & Services

Rate Changes Year Over Year

Graph showing rate changes 2017 to 2022 with decreases in 2021 and 2022

Our decreases in 2021 and 2022 equal a 2.8% cumulative rate reduction. Saving our membership about $3.8 million on an annual basis.

A great example of why cooperatives are different. We don’t exist to make a profit, instead returning money back to you.

Members eligible for the retirement received our service in the years 1994, 2005, and 2021, or any combination of those years. Active and former members will see their member credit(s) on their September bill statement and/or in the form of a check.

Our Member Credits Process

Graphic illustrating 4 step member credit process

1. We track how much electricity you use throughout the year.
2. After expenses are paid, we calculate margins.
3. We use margins to pay down debt, invest in facilities and improvement projects, and allocate to members as member credits based on their usage of electricity.
4. If financial conditions allow, we return member credits to members as bill credits.
