Storm Safety

Learn how you can best properly prepare to stay safe during unexpected power outages due to storms, natural disasters, and the unknown.

Downed Power Line In Residential Area

How to Stay Safe Before & During Storms

Severe storms are more common in the spring and summer, but winter blizzards also pose a threat here in Northern Colorado. Be prepared for severe weather and know how to stay safe during unplanned and extended power outages.

We’ve seen our fair share of natural disasters – including fires, floods, and even tornados. We’re committed to providing you the resources and information you can trust to keep you safe no matter the obstacles we face.

Stay Informed

This is the most important way you can help keep yourself and those around you safe.

In the case of a large outage situation and/or severe weather, we will update our members with the best information we have available. The easiest way to report an outage is through our mobile app, where you can also sign up for real-time outage alerts. Check our Outage Center for updates or check our Facebook and Twitter. You can also call us anytime for updates.

Additional information from local emergency management offices and our local news can help you get the information you need. Try these resources:

winter snow scenery

Winter Outage Safety Tips

In the Colder Months

Freezing temperatures can set in quickly if the power goes out & it’s important to know the proper safety steps to take to keep you, your home, and your family safe.

Check out our full safety tips for winter storms on our news page or use the link below.

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river summer scenic with road

Summer Outage Safety Tips

In the Warmer  Months

Trying to beat the heat without electricity can be a difficult task. Thankfully, there are steps one can take to ensure everyone stays safe & comfortable during a summer power outage.

To learn more, view our full summer outage safety tips on our news page or use the link below.

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man using generator

Generator Safety

Backup Power Needs

Portable or permanently installed standby generators can come in handy during long-term or extended power outages. However, if you do not know how to use them properly, they can be dangerous. Contact a qualified vendor or electrician to help you determine what generator is best suited for your needs. Before using, be sure to read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

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lighting strikes in clouds above neighborhood

Lightning Safety Tips

During A Thunderstorm

Thunderstorms are frequent throughout most of the year here in northern Colorado, so it’s important to know the proper steps to take if you find yourself caught in a storm.

View our full list of lightning storm safety tips by checking out our news page or by using the link below.

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Employees working at night

Outage Center

Get access to information and resources for power interruptions, including how to report an outage and find educational safety tips.

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line worker in cherry picker working on electrical pole

Electrical Safety

Where you can learn even more about electrical safety including finding useful tips, accessing safety checklists, and much more.

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