Energy Tips & Tools

Understand ways to reduce your business's energy use to save money or lower your carbon footprint.

women in office

Energy Efficiency

Simply put, energy efficiency means using less energy to get the same job done – and in the process, cutting your energy bill and reducing pollution.

As your local electric cooperative and trusted energy partner, we’re here to give you the tools, tips, and programs so you can use your energy smarter, more efficiently, and least expensively.

If you’re ready to reduce your energy use and start saving on your electricity costs, find helpful tips and resources here.

Hidden Energy Losses in Your Facility

Uncover these often hidden sources of energy waste to positively impact your business’s bottom line.

Heating & Cooling

Building controls are designed to save energy. If they’re out of tune, however, they can actually increase heating and cooling costs and reduce comfort. Inspect and adjust building controls regularly to account for operational and seasonal variations, and to ensure that sensors and controls are properly calibrated. Well-tuned controls can save up to 30% on heating and cooling costs.

Air leaks require your HVAC system to work harder than it needs to. Conditioned air is constantly leaking out of buildings, and unconditioned outdoor air is penetrating the building envelope in many ways throughout the year. Seal gaps in windows and exterior doors with caulk or weatherstripping to slow down unwanted air exchange.

Phantom Loads

Many electronic devices, such as office equipment and vending machines, use energy 24/7, even when no one’s around. Don’t let your facility be haunted by this kind of energy waste. Use power management settings on computers. Plug devices into smart power strips that automatically shut off power when they’re not in use. Install occupancy sensors on vending machines; they turn on lights and ramp up compressor operation only when someone is present.

Personal Appliances

They may be small in size, but space heaters, fans, and mini fridges aren’t very efficient and they’re difficult to control. How much do these devices cost you? One 1,500-watt space heater operating at 500 hours a year will cost you about $75 at an average electric rate of 10 cents per kWh. A lot of these little appliances can take a big chunk out of your energy budget. To limit their use, maintain building temperatures in a comfortable range and make appliances readily available in a central break room area.

commercial warehouse

Put Your Business in the Best Possible Light

Lighting creates an impression on customers of your business and provides safety for your employees.

Conventional incandescent bulbs are highly inefficient, while fluorescent lamps provide poor light quality. LEDs are high efficient, last longer, and provide better light quality.

We offer rebates for both LED light bulbs, as well as larger commercial lighting projects for new construction and retrofits.

LED Bulb Rebates Stroke 1 Commercial Lighting Rebates Stroke 1
hand adjusting smart thermostat

Set Your Thermostat for the Season

Customers may be coming in from the cold. If so, they’re probably dressed for the weather. Adjust your thermostat settings to account for seasonal attire. Also, consider how many people might be in your space. With extra occupants, the space might be warmer than usual.

Avoid setting the temperature too high. It might make customers feel hot and encourage them to cut their shopping time short.

A smart thermostat makes a smart, low-cost upgrade. They optimize savings and convenience by automatically adjusting temperatures based on your operating schedule. And with remote control, you can quickly adjust temperatures using a mobile device from wherever you are.

Smart Thermostat Reward Program Stroke 1
man installing caulking

Traditional Energy Efficiency Information

Your business can often benefit from making the same energy efficiency changes applicable to residential homes. Take what you learn and expand them to meet your business needs.

Understand how to be more efficient with your heating and cooling, what to consider when replacing windows and doors, different types of insulation available, and best-practices for water heating appliances.

Find resources and information about energy efficiency you can implement now to lower your energy use and reduce your monthly electric bill or carbon footprint.

Home Energy Efficiency Tips Stroke 1

More Ways to Save

We offer various electric rates to meet the needs of your business.

Understand what options are available to you and how you could benefit by changing to a different rate.


Explore Your Rate Options Stroke 1

Ready to Do More?

By powering your business processes and operations with electricity instead of fossil fuels you can often increase energy efficiency, reduce pollution, and decrease costs.

As your trusted energy partner, we’re here to help you optimize performance or even lower expenses.

Your Electricity-based Alternatives Stroke 1